Monday, February 19, 2018


Hi All,

I had to take a break from work to share with you everything that has happened today! God is SO good! I know that we say that a lot, but He REALLY is! First, we received an email from our agency this morning and the director of the orphanage (Oretha) found us an apartment to stay in instead of the hotel, which will save us over $1,500!!! YAHOO!!! It has a/c, a kitchen and is 2 bedrooms! Amazing!! Then I received a message from Oretha stating that our kids know about us. They have seen our pictures AND WE GET TO VIDEO CHAT WITH THEM ON THURSDAY!!!!! Michael & I are SOOOO excited! I have been crying happy tears off and on all day today! If that wasn't enough, then I received an email from UPS that our visas are on their way back to us and we should have them on Wednesday!!! Unbelievable!!! They turned it around in a single afternoon! I still can't believe that, but God is good friends!

Okay, that is it for now, but the day isn't over yet! ;)

We'll update the blog after we video chat with the kids on Thursday!! Hopefully, we can get through it without crying the whole time!

Love you all!
Carey & Michael

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