Sunday, August 9, 2015


Okay! I just have to share of couple of stories about God’s goodness! Some of you know that we have been praying for a couple months now asking for God’s guidance as we choose a continent/country for our adoption. I was sharing with our small group 2 weeks ago that I was frustrated because we hadn’t received any signs yet. The very next morning, I sat down to do my devotionals and it was completely about Africa! I looked towards the ceiling, smiled and said “Okay, God! I am in!” Later that night, I shared with Michael what had happened and asked if he felt that was a sign. He smiled a huge smile and said “yes honey, that was a sign”! We are adopting from AFRICA! Michael and I are leaning towards one country in particular, but we want to do a little more research before we officially announce that! Stay tuned for more information on that.

Alright, onto the next story! Michael and I try to do a weekly devotional together to keep our marriage strong, God-centered. We just finished a devotional, so we started reading the new book by Francis Chan “You and Me Forever”. Michael was reading the 2nd half of the introduction to me when Francis writes this direct quote! “Why not default to action until you hear a voice from heaven telling you to wait? For example: Why not assume you should adopt kids unless you hear a voice telling you not to? Wouldn’t that seem more biblical since God has told us that true religion is to care for the widows and orphans (James 1:27)?” Talk about a zinger! I instantly felt convicted! That we weren’t supposed to wait around for a divine blue print. We have the basics and now it’s time to get to work!

Now fast forward to Saturday when we arrived at church to volunteer at Elevate, which is the 1st to 5th grade kid’s program at EBC. I decided to share my story of God’s goodness with the group of volunteers and our leader asked what fundraisers we had coming up. We shared that we want to design a t-shirt to sell during the end of August, but we needed help designing the shirt. Right away, one of the volunteers mentions that her husband is into graphic design and would love to help. Then our leader chimes in and says that we should have the whole volunteer group where the shirts when they are finished to help spread the word in our church about our adoption! To say that we were blessed would be an understatement! We were/are completely blown away about the great people we are getting to know at our church! God is so good! To top everything off, a family friend is going to print the shirts for us and another friend has offered to do a 31 fundraiser in September! GOD IS SO GOOD FRIENDS! If you are going through a struggle right now or a long time of waiting, hang on! God is moving even if we don’t see it!

Have a great week friends!
We love you all!
Carey & Michael

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