Monday, January 26, 2015

Adoption Reboot 2.0

Many of you know that Michael and I have been trying to adopt children from the foster care system for over a year now, but what you don't know is that our mission has changed in a BIG way! After a devastating blow in October, we came to the realization that maybe adopting from the foster care system was not what God intended for us right now. So, we began earnestly seeking God's wisdom and direction.

On New Year's eve, we attended a prophetic service and received a word from God that He was going to bless us with kids, but that we needed to get our blueprint right. We didn't know what that meant exactly, but God is good! A couple weeks go by and some friends received amazing news that they had been matched with a little boy in Uganda! While catching up, we found out that their organization had 2 brothers that they were trying to place! After a lot of prayer, we have decided to adopt these two precious little boys from the UKRAINE! You read that right! We are adopting from the UKRAINE!

Michael and I never pictured ourselves traveling outside North America, but we are so blessed to be on this adventure and cannot wait to love on these brothers! But we cannot embark on this journey alone! We need everyone's help to bring our boys home! Stay tuned for more information on how you can help!

Red rose

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